Short films, documentaries, music promos, live events and more

moving image

I make films that not only document artists, present products, or record performances, but also offer emotional, social and ethical insights, presenting new ways of seeing the world. A fresh approach to making each short film is key in creating a new and individually tailored way of telling your story. An example Greenbeanz Films showreel is here

SOUND Reasoning

Sound is the heartbeat that brings it to life

Music and Sound are as important to me as what you see on screen. In a visual centric world it is all to easy to get lost in the noise. We all use our ears to navigate a meaningful journey through the narrative, even when music is not present. Your film will have a fine attention to detail placed on the soundtrack to help your story be as concise and powerful as possible.


Removing the hands of the filmmaker

While an authentic voice is often the mark of a successful auteur, I will strive to change and respond to the material, rather than adopting a style or dogma that precludes clarity of vision, or presents obstacles between subject and viewer. So I will not try and dictate a style that contradicts what your company, product or performance is all about. The film is merely the vehicle for your story.


short films

I make films from the heart about scenes, movements and artists that interest and motivate me along with my commercial work. If I am not creating something then I am not learning, and for me a true fil maker never stops learning.


As a small bespoke creator I produce hand made documentaries that explore musical scenes, bands, happenings and a whole host of subjects both niche and mainstream, all the time endeavouring to reveal and match the passion and energy that started and sustain them.

music promos

Your music deserves a promotional film that will help it reach new ears. I am here to help you make your vision a reality. Even a short compliation or section form a live performance can really help in securing bookings and connecting wiht a wider fanbase.

live events

From gigs and festivals to the opening night of art exhibitions, sporting contests or ceremonies and celebrations. I am here to capture a unique record of what happened. The value of this as a marketing tool enabling you to promote future events is easily underestimated. The difference between your event and the competition can often be seen simply by the fact that you have taken the time to commision the filming of previous work.


As an artist I appreciate the value of collaboration. It is with that spirit I remain open minded and always listening for opportunities to walk along with others on this journey. If you are unsure whether a film may benefit you or are eager to just thrash out some ideas, please feel free to contact me